Lots of fun stuff...why not take a look at History, or try your hand at being a News Reporter. Also, check out the 'Thinkuknow' website...loads of information, fun and games. Explore Parliament and much more, interactive, enjoyable, and educational. Specially designed to include Teachers Resources, advice for Parents....as well as challenging and fun for Children & Young People. There are many links to excellent resources on this page for example...
You be the Judge! Four new cases are now live on our 'You be the Judge' website: a murder case, a manslaughter case, a drug dealing case and a teen crime. We have included a comms toolkit to help you promote it if you so wish, and a number of resources which will hopefully be useful. You be the Judge is an interactive tool which aims to improve public understanding of sentencing, and challenge myths that often get perpetuated through the media. The website is available at: http://open.justice.gov.uk/get-involved/you-be-the-judge/
School Holidays...Here's an idea of something really interesting to do during the Summer Holidays...visiting the Victoria & Albert Museum's Museum of Childhood: www.museumofchildhood.org.uk/home/
TALK ABOUT 'KNIVES'...download information:
Too many young people have experienced the terrible effects of Knife Crime...the injuries and deaths 'don't have to happen'...but the fact is, if you carry a knife, you are more likely to get stabbed yourself. This site is for people who want to take positive action against 'Knives!' Here's an example of 10/12 year olds who have taken up Sports and Workshops through 'IT DOESN'T HAVE TO HAPPEN'... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7897947.stm
Do you want to effect change? Are you a concerned Young Person, Parent, Teacher or Community Worker? What can we all do to 'turn the tide' of those 'carrying blades'...? Find ideas, Toolkits and promotional material, designed to get the message out to young people that...'if you carry a knife, you're more likely to get stabbed yourself. This Anti-Knife Crime Campaign has a range of free 'Resources' available to you to use in your local Anti-Knife Crime Activities...Click on the 'IDHTH Logo' to access and download Resources.

Join Young People, Schools and Communities across the UK in promoting this campaign...be part of a positive force for stopping serious youth violence involving Knives and other sharp weapons. Count Me In...parents who have lost their children to 'Knife Crime' use their stories to increase Young People's awareness of the consequences of crime!
Building on existing Anti-Knife Crime Campaigns...it aims to increase Young People's understanding, confidence and belief in the fact that it is safer NOT to carry Knives or other sharp weapons. Violence Reduction by changing attitudes...Click on the 'Count Me In Logo' to access and download information.
What does the Law mean to you? Do you know your Rights? Find out here: www.lawstuff.org.uk/
Reporting Crime Anonymously? Do you know how to help keep 'Your Street Safe'...have a look at the Crimestoppers' Youth Website - www.fearless.org/weapons
History in Action - This is a fantastic interactive site where you can research anything! Lots of unique information for School course work (suitable for Students, Teachers & Parents) - www.bbc.co.uk/history/interactive/
For Junior 'History Resources' 4 - 11 years go to - www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/4_11/site/history.shtml
The Virtual Global Taskforce' Friends - Find the latest information on the sites you like to visit...Mobiles and New Technology. Find out what's good, what's not...and what you can to about it! If you look after 'Young People'...there's an area for you too - with Resources you can use in the classroom, at home or just to get 'with it.' Most importantly, there's also a place which anyone can use to report 'if they feel uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to Online.' All the information shown on this website is brought to you by the team at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre - www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Crucial Crew Interactive...have just launched a game for Primary School Kids. The hard-hitting game will be used to show young people when they are being 'groomed' to join a gang, and what the consequences can be - whether it's getting shot, arrested, or beaten up. In one scene the young brother of the main character ends up in intensive care, following a revenge attack after an accidental shooting. The game was funded by the Home Office and developed to deal with the latest crime trends to include Knives, Guns and Gangs as part of a series of interactive games, working with Police-led Groups associated with Urban Violence - www.crucial-crew.org/interactive-safety-game/gangs-guns-knives.cfm
Visit the UK's first Internet Television Channel based at Westminster...run by 'Young People' for 'Young People!' Whenever you have a question, comment or view that you want heard Catch21 make sure it happens, right in the heart of power - Westminster itself:-
UK Youth Parliament (UKYP)
UK Youth Parliament (UKYP)...enables Young People to use their passion and energy to make change. Run by young people for young people - UKYP gives the youth of the United KIngdom (between the ages of 11 and 18) a voice. An important voice that is listened to by Local and National Government, providers of services for young people and other agencies who have an interest in the views and needs of young people - www.ukyouthparliament.org.uk
Explore Parliament and most importantly for Young People...'Have your Say!' This website will enable you to involve your School in helping to make change, to debate and understand the workings of Parliament and how it effects the lives of everyone. Do you know how 'Laws' are made? Become involved...Get your School to become involved through the Education Service...working with Schools to support Young People's understanding of Parliament and Democracy - www.parliament.uk/education
Prime Minister & Number 10 Downing Street - www.number10.gov.uk
Cyber Bullying...What is it?...Where to get help?...this is something relatively new for young people to deal with and can have very serious consequences for the victim of cyber abuse. You can get some help and information here: www.fearless.org/cyber-crime
First Aid...St. John Ambulance - Have you ever thought about 'What you would do in an emergency? If one of your friends or a member of your family was hurt and needed First Aid...could you help? You could become a 'Badger'...Badgers is for young people aged 5 to 10 years old. Many Badgers have acted in an emergency and used their training to help someone. Badger Setts are run by Youth Leaders, acting within child protection and Anti-bullying guidelines.
If you are aged between 10 and 18 years old you could become a St. John Ambulance Cadet. To find out about upcoming events and how you can get involved in fun, friendship and first aid with St. John Ambulance, either as a Badger or a Cadet - www.sja.org.uk/cadets
Understanding Human Anatomy & maintaining a Healthy Mind...This is an amazing website to learn about yourself inside and out - www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody
Youth Health Issues/Interviews - www.youthhealthtalk.org
E. & O.E.